Wednesday 30 June 2010

Queen of Worms

Behold her sneering smirk and her staring at humanity in utter contempt,
for she is the who strolls through the ground and fields in ebony cloak,
the one who feeds upon death and eradicates any human betterment,
and indulges herself in a misruled system,
and takes liberty upon ad libitum.
Upon her gaunted face, a grimace of pleasure is drawn at contemplating
her victims in a deplorable condition of ignorance based on self-destruction,
and this paves the way foe her never ending commencement for ravaging humanity
in a continuous cycle of destruction.
Behold her uniqueness in performing her ill-meant deeds,
declaring herself the victorious one in a benighted cause that she calls human mind,
over which she gnaws upon endlessly with no remorse, no second thoughts.
She would engrave doom and dismay upon humankind,
for such a temptation would be hard to ignore or let be passed by,
and recurrent torment would envelop those who she urges to embrace coldly.
Behold her gratifying acknowledgement at human weak minds and corrupted hearts,
for they endlessly will sustain her existence among them,
making her the Queen of Worms, inexorably wielding such power upon those she rules
luring them with false sentiments of superiority and total power,
ebbing their human condition and deposing the remnants of their souls.
She occupies men's minds, wrapping them in her deceiving enchantment,
and leading them to their doom,
for she is their Queen, the one on which they now sustain,
the one that lures them in deadly attraction,
she is the Queen of Worms they all long to serve.... their Queen...


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