Monday, 5 April 2010

What I got

Bought a bunch of dreams and put them in a box next to my bed.
The walls in my room are hung with pictures of sweet memories
and paintings of wonderful things to happen.
Went to the market again and bought fruits of love and flowers of smiles,
for I want them to sway and show off their beauty in goolden vases I got for them.
I got myself some fruit trees and seeds to plant and adorn my garden and hence provide my trees with companionship and everlasting spring, for they have requested me this long time ago.
All the illusions I got, I have sprinkled them all around my household for in them is compounded love itself and this one shall always be an inhabitant of my house.
Went to market and got myself the most beautiful things and I shall share them for they come from the eternal source from high above in the blue sky... God


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