Monday, 5 April 2010

Embrace me

Embrace me now,
for cold death has knocked at my door,
and my soul has become a pile of ashes,
and nightmares, so tormenting, imprison my mind.
Cast a shadow upon my eyes and cover me with a veil,
for I do not want to see my life passing by,
and my heart stabbed inmensely
by a decapitated angel of love,
who has punished me to an endless pain and suffering,
and has also chained me to hopelessness.
My horizon has withered and my flesh has faltered,
and has succumbed capriciously into corruption,
leaving me shreded,
leaving nothing but a pile of flesh to be consumed by earth.
Embrace me now, since soon I will die,
for nothing will be eternal hence no more.
Embrace me now but leave no memory of me,
for earth shall swallow my trail and time shall erase me from your mind...
embrace me...


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